September 30, 2011

Trick or Treat Blog Hop with Graphic 45!

ご訪問ありがとうございます。今週Graphic 45ではTrick or Treat BagのBlog Hopを行っています。素敵な賞品が抽選で当たりますので、是非ご参加下さいね(*^^)v

Each day you'll see a sneak peek of a fantastic Graphic 45 trick-or-treat bag designed by our design team members. Just click on the link to their blog and you'll be transported to a magical world of craft bliss! See the full unveil the trick-or-treat bags on our featured design team member's blog each day and get inspired by their amazing projects! We are offering two awesome Magic of Oz gift packs as prizes this week! Want the opportunity to win? Just click on over to our featured design team member's blog each day and leave a comment. We will choose two random winners from our design team member's blog comments and announce them on Friday, September 30th! Sound like fun!? You bet it does! Check out this amazing prize! A Magic of Oz 12x12 paper pad, Chipboard Button Staples, 3 chipboards from Imaginarium Designs, and some beautiful bling by Want2Scrap! Remember, there's two chances to win this week! Wow! 

In case you can't make it every single day this week, here is the schedule for our featured design team member blogs. This shows you who will be featured on what day so you can check out all the fun! Don't forget to leave comments for your chance to win!  - Graphic 45

Lynette Carrol:
Jane Tregenza:

Laura Denison:
Robin Shakoor:
Tara Orr:

Sherry Cheever:
Jack & Cat Curio:
Nicole Eccles:

Nancy Wethington:
Hilde Janbroers:
Yuka Hino: (That's me)

Melanie Forbes:
Gloria Stengel:


Here's mine.

Have a wonderful day!

Graphic 45 Supplies:
The Magic of Oz: The Magic of Oz, Scatterbrained Scarecrow, Journey to Oz, Munchkins, Emerald City, Goblin Gazette, There's No Place Like Home, Wicked!, Cling Magic of Oz 2, Cling Magic of Oz 3
Graphic 45 Staples: Metal Button

Other Supplies:
Stamps: Hampton Art
Ink: Ranger, Tsukineko
Blending Tool: Ranger
Adhesive: Tombow, Glossy Accents by Ranger

September 23, 2011

"Graphic 45 + Fiskars= ______"

皆さんこんにちは。今週のGraphic 45はFiskarsとのコラボウィークです。Graphic 45 FacebookFiskars Facebookに、"Graphic 45 + Fiskars= ______"(←空欄をあなたの言葉で表現して)とコメントすると抽選で沢山の素晴らしい製品が当たります。お知らせが遅くなりましたが(;;;´Д`)ゝもう少し時間があるのでもしよければご参加下さいね~。

今回私はこちら↓の Fiskars製品と、Graphic 45の新作An ABC Primerを使って、レイアウトを作りました。

スクールテーマのAn ABC Primerにぴったりな、Notebook Border Punchを沢山使いました。使った写真は、近所の児童館でホワイトボードに殴り書きをしている娘です(O゚皿゚O)

Postage Stamp Squeeze Punchはこちら↓に使っています。このパンチ、やたらとでかいなぁと思いましたが少ない力で軽々とパンチ出来ていいですね。サークルのパンチとか欲しくなりました。Tear Edger - Scallop(製品画像上のオレンジの物)は、定規の様にペーパーに当て、それを押さえながらペーパーを破ってエッジを作る道具です。私はこれでエッジを作って、赤のペーパーフラワーを作ってみました。

このペーパーフラワー、とても気に入ったのでまた登場します。その簡単なチュートリアルも後日アップ予定です。(このTear Edger - Scallopが無くても、スカロップ(スカラップ?)のラインが出るボーダーパンチ等があれば作れると思われます)



Graphic 45 Papers
An ABC Primer: An ABC Primer, Grammar School, Jumping Joan, Alphabet
Soup, Games and Playtime, Calico Kids, Happy Go Lucky, School Days
Graphic 45 Chipboards: An ABC Primer Chipboard Die-cuts 1, An ABC
Primer Chipboard Die-cuts 2
Graphic 45 Cling: Cling An ABC Primer 2
Graphic 45 Staples: Chipboard Buttons
Fiskars: Notebook Border Punch, Postage Stamp Squeeze Punch, Tear Edger - Scallop
Imaginarium Designs Chipboard: Star Train with three carriages
May Arts: String
October Afternoon: Alphabet Sticker
7gypsies: Brads
Hampton Art - Graphic45 Decades Distressing Ink: Venetian Lace,
Antique Moss, Dark Cashmere
Ranger Industries: Glossy Accents, Blending Tool, Ink
Tsukineko: Ink
Scrapbook Adhesives By 3L: MyStik™ Permanent Strips Dispenser, MyStik™
Repositionable Dots Dispenser, 3D Foam Squares - Black, Small
Acrylic Color

September 12, 2011

Prima September BAP

久々のチャレンジネタ。Prima September Build-A-Pageです。新作PPや一部エンベリをお取り寄せしたので、早く作りたくて作りたくて。やっぱ好きだーPrima(≧∇≦)

早くレジン欲しいよ~!まだかまだか~((o(> <)o))

Graphic 45 Halloween

Graphic 45 Hallowe'en in Wonderlandで、カードを作りました。
『Take Your Time』は、『ゆっくりして下さい』ってな意味だそうです。誰に贈ろうか。

Graphic 45 Supplies:
Other Supplies:
Ribbon: May Arts
Dies: Spellbinders - Labels Seventeen, Sizzix, Wonder House
Ink: Tsukineko
Glitter: Maya Road
Adhesive: Tombow, Glue Dots, Glossy Accents by Ranger
Crop-A-Dile & Eyelet: We R Memory Keepers
Zutter Bind it All
Sewing Machine
Acrylic Color
Long-nose plier

最後にお知らせです。Graphic 45では只今、Halloween Rejuvenaiton Challengeを開催中です!詳しくは以下の通り。賞品は新作のChristmas Emporium collection詰め合わせですよ~!是非チャレンジしてみて下さいね♪

Graphic 45 is pleased to announce our Halloween Rejuvenaiton Challenge! Fall and Halloween are definitely on the way and we thought it would be fun to have an altered art challenge that's inspired by this colorful season. We're asking you to take an old object and bring it back to life with Graphic 45! We've all got stuff around the house that could use a little dressing up. Maybe it's something you found at a garage sale, thrift store, or even an old item that's been sitting in the basement since forever. We want you to create a beautiful Halloween or Fall-themed altered art project from any old, random objects you might have using Graphic 45 products. It's the perfect craft challenge to jump-start your holiday crafting!

The submission deadline is September 25th. Email submissions to On September 26th all of the submissions will be uploaded to our Facebook photos and you will get to vote for your favorite submission by "Like"-ing it! Voting is from September 26th to 7am on Septmeber 30th. The TWO projects with the most likes win! Winners will be announced on Friday morning at 8am on our Facebook and on our blog.

The prize? You could win our entire Christmas Emporium collection! A 12x12 and 8x8 Paper Pad, both coordinating chipboard die-cuts and one of each cling stamp! That's a $76 value! Wow! We can't wait to see what you create!

 We hope you are all excited about this great challenge! We certainly are!
 Happy Papercrafting!
 Graphic 45, LLC"

Fancy Pants Projects

Fancy Pantsの新作Off To Schoolのラブオンにスポットを当てたLOを作りました。全体の画像はこちら。パッキリした色遣いがクールなコレクションですよね。

続きまして、これまた新作のSummer's Endで男の子LOを。ポキさんちのハルくんの写真を使わせてもらいました~。左側の葉っぱの様な木2つは、PPをつなぎ合わせミシン掛けして、アップリケ風に…。何だかダサイ響き(*_*;


そしてこちらは、娘の誕生日に作ったカードです。こちらはBaby Mineを使っています。娘はボタンが好きなので、沢山使ってみました。自分で買った物なら、勿体なくてこうは出来ないかも。ちなみに『H4B』は『Happy 4th Birthday』の勝手な略です。

September 3, 2011

Pages of My Book chapter / 11 Free


Pages of My Book chapter / 11の作品をアップします。インスピレーションボードはこちら。

今月は私がワードを担当しました。写真は、とある夏に石垣島上空から撮った景色。沖縄は新婚旅行で一度行ったっきりで、またいつか行きたいと思うんですが、先立つものが…ない(_ _|||)  せめてその時の思い出に浸ろうと、この作品を作りました(p_-;)好きな所に自由に行けたらなぁという願望が詰まったLOです(T^T)



